Wednesday 11 June 2008

Bloggernista must see..

Now this girl knows how to rock basics, i mean believe me i never taught anyone could pull of a top that showed off once belly- button. From my Native Sweden i bring to you WedgeHeel, you cannot go wrong looking this great, go check out her blog!


  1. Thank you so much hun! Oh thats cool. But whats "uni"? im moving to manhattan for about 4 years! (I'm Going to Berkely Collage) i though you lived in nyc..;)


  2. I know! finally so many!
    Oh. Jo det vore jätte roligt! du får min e-mail/msn så får vi se om några år ;) ..maybe we will meet up in NYC?
    Det står mellan Fashion Marketing and Management och Justice Studies and Criminal Studies. (alltså inom mode industrin eller advokatyrket/domare/åklagare)

  3. thanks, do you want me to delet this comment so that no unwated user send you spam on your mail?
