Tuesday 17 June 2008

Todays outfit, didnt come out to clear on camera but hey, what can i do, got what til my birthday before i get anew camera. But im kinda stuck, should i give up like a camera for the new Rock Band game? I know this is totally irrevelant but i love that game and i must have it!! It haunts me in my sleep....So should i? Cuz i love to play the drums and theres no way i could get a new drum set, there to loud and it takes u to much space, and i dont think Uni will let me bring that along...

Anyway todays outfit, is very Groupie:

Bowl hat- H&M
Top- Zara (very Givenchy)
Short Shorts- Topshop
Bag- Topshop
Boots- haha there so worn out from Aldo

im hoping to be able to pull this look of in the future...it would have been easy if i didnt have such fat ties...


  1. LOVE THAT SHIRT YOUR WEARING! went into zara but they didnt have it anymore :-( and i love the dress the model is wearing in the last pic. wheres it from?

  2. sossy its an old pic cant really rmeber

  3. Blah, I love your bag. I want one just like it. Or maybe something with more structure?

  4. oh thank you dear! I like your blog too, really, and i looove hats! :) If you want i can translate to english sometimes? I don't know if i got so many none swedish readers but how knows? :)


  5. love the hat, love the shirt, love the bag... want me to go on? ;)
