Monday 30 June 2008

Todays outfit, is well what i woke up in? i just slapped on a hat and my necklace. I even had my shoes on! It's so hot today and ive been busy constructing my Sale Must Find list. Let me share it with you guys
Sale MUST find list:
Leather jacket (Big essential for this fall)
Flannel shirt (in the red-tone field)
Black leather Bag
Brown Leather Heels
Panama Hat

After ive found all these ill just splurge on more shoes. Without list i just end up grabbing anything i see in my size.
Okay now here is what im wearing:
Oh! and before i end i got a new rabbit like two days ago? Her name hahaha,Madame Noire Lickerish, she's my french Lady, I wanted to call her groupie so that she would follow the flow of her friend Hippie may, but everyone was reluctant.


  1. I want that Panama hat like right this second. I am so glad to hear that I am not the only on hating this heat wave. Like seriously where is fall? How long until it comes! Gah.

    ... anyways sorry for the rant. your bunny is soo cute >.< I want one! Oh and if I haven't told you, you looked delicious at prom. hope you danced the night away!

  2. i love the way you wear hats and the rabbit is soooo cute

  3. Thank you so much!

  4. Madame noire Lickerish is really funny =)
    love the way you wear those boots !

  5. AH such a cute bunny! i love your boots and cardigan btw :)
