Sunday 8 June 2008

Today's outfit was...well out of this world in my opinion, cant really explain what possessed me into this. Went shopping, didn't however get my blazer but i did grab myself a new grey Tisha and a cute skirt with adorable hidden pockets on the sides. Will show some pics of that tomorrow though, cuz my head hurts.

Blue Beanie: H&M
(wanna-be)Wayfers: ???
Floral Tank: H&M
Short-Shorts: Topshop
Moccas: ???
Bag: Topshop


  1. you're so cute. totally wish i could pull of COLORED wayferers.

  2. okay, you're adorable. Your style suits you so well. I love the colored sunglasses (wish I could be bold enough to try to rock them). =]

  3. you wear those shorts way too much
