Thursday 7 August 2008

Sorry for missing an outfit post from yesterday, but my whole weeks been really annoying with this new throat issue ive got. I dont know what it is but every time i go to bed my throat feels real rusty and i cant stop coiffing, which has made it real uncomfortable to go to bed (making me stay up to at late as 5:30 doing nothing but watching tv....) and actually now that i asked my sister, my voice has got a whole lot deeper!!
Now for those that know me and have herd me speak in person, this will be one hilarious shock, cuz i, however Innocent i might seem and look, have a real deep voice and im talking deep! not deep as in with allot of base, but, oh god, allot of masculine features can be recognised in it! I only sound like a girl when im laughing (which is rare ill usually just give you smirk) and when im exited about something. Other than that i sound like a tomboy....but worse.
Wow must have painted a real sweet image of me to you guys....

Top: Gina Tricot
Heels/Platforms: Aldo

So today i spent my day at the park with My Big brother that's come over from Sweden and my lil sister. I just sat at the bench, listening to my grunge and trying to bat the flies away while they where playing basketball. Im not really..."sporty". A sport or might i say a work out for me is going out shopping, when theirs a sale(the whole running around and grabbing everything you can is exhausting).
Although! I do love tennis and played it before, but i never go playing anymore, cuz my dads the only one that loves playing it as well and well, he is far to competitive!! Always smashing the ball and showing off, and im a sore loser so...yeah sports+me...not going to happen.
What a Serene spot to spend a whole afternoon listening to rusty old music


  1. I know, the mens wear is really sexy!
    Thank you, we had a great time!

    live life, have a bless.

  2. The whole outfit is real cute. Damn you.. I wanna raid your wardrobe!! lol.

    Oh and btw dunno if u saw the comment on my blog, but yeah, im hoping to go Uni of Leicester, if not gonna have to go to Reading. What about u?

  3. GREAT blazer, and it fits you so perfectly!
    Oh, and don't worry about the voice thing, I have the same problem - I think I sounds like a 10 year old boy when I talk :P

  4. amazing outfit :)
    Jag tänkte höra lite angående boende i london och sådära :) har du någon msn eller aim, tänkte fråga dig lite om det går bra:)xx

  5. I want a nice fitted blazer too! But it is far too hot to wear one in Singapore :( You lookreally good though! :D

  6. i love the high waist skirt and the jacket looks very nice with it

  7. Way to wear a tartan blazer, very chic!

  8. I think, that you are not right. Let's discuss. Write to me in PM.

  9. What exactly would you like to tell?
