Friday 12 September 2008

The Maleria hasent killed me yet......

Whats worse than breaking the heel of one of your favorite shoes, or snapping the shoulder strap of an expensive handbag...?
Missing New York fashion WEEK!

Ill be back on the 17 of September, so if the 6hour jet lag dosent kill me ill sure to be up and running blasting about my shopping relapse and allot of outfit post to inspire me as well as you guys, soon!

Hopefully by the im back i can make a nice coverage of NEW YORK Fashion week, and with the small bits and pieces that my connection has allowed me to see is so far telling me that were going to b having a pretty dark Spring, almost NA little Bjork Islandic vibe you know, real cold an dark, yet with serenity of peace in that empty space.


  1. frigging AWESOME shoes. Looking forward to your return!

  2. tack så mkt!=)
    menar du du den rutiga skjortan som jag har på min på en bild?
