Thursday 18 September 2008

Todays outfit is...Luxourious Grunge. After seeing these pics i think i might have to make some cobweb holes in this sweater and and some silver keys an safety pins....sounds sick but im fed up with cloths worn off the rack. Im going to try some DIY projects in the future....(any tips?Wearing
Leather Jacket - Zara
Tied Dress Jumper - H&M
Tights - H&M
Ankle Boots - Topshop
Bag - that cabas Chanel thing...
There's alot of great stuff out thier and i really wish i could buy it all, but nope no cash until the end of the month, wich is like forever!

I really need some
leather leggings though, thats simply crucial but their sold out everywhere and im not that into the once from AA


  1. You look so cool in this outfit!

    Thanks for your nice comment about my blog.

    I think I have just fallen in love with yours!

    You have amazing style!

  2. Bleach everything!
    Poppy Lee style, its what I've been doing...and she is right about wearing gloves.
    My hands stunk for days and went bright red.

  3. I so want your bag! I've been eyeing it since I saw it on the Chanel Fall 06 runway...
    I love the outfit! its very deconstructed, but still put togethor.
    DIY! That sounds fun. That was my plan to do this past summer, but I never got around to it. The holes in sweaters idea sounds great. Just be careful. One false cut and you'll end up looking homeless. :P

  4. LOVE the outfit. I tried the whole holes in sweater thing...................and ruined the sweater :P

    Time to try again methinks.

  5. i need those leather leggings too but i agree the aa ones just aren't the best ones i've seen, they're a hefty price tag too.

    you look absolutely fabulous. definately my kind of style :)

  6. oh godess I'm obsessed with everything.THE BAG!THE JACKET!

    ahhhhhhhhhhh glad to see u back :)

  7. p.s. I was looking through some of your other posts and love your style...wanna link up??

  8. Detta blir helt klart inspirationen till kvällens utgång!!

  9. I love your grunge look, it's great!! I tagged you!!
