Monday 20 October 2008

Life as i know it is so fucking over. Sorry about my harsh language but it's a like been 90% of my...F$£&-ing vocabulary. Im stuck at Uni, which is worse then waking up and COMING to uni. Trying to money out of my account for a lil grocery shopping and being as tired and week as i am since i havent had any proper meal since god knows when, i totally type in
the wrong code....
For security reasons the dam machine took my card, the bank is closed so i wont get that back today, i have absolutely know money to actually take the bus home, its a 35minute walk but with heels i guess that will amount to a 1hour....30MINUTES!
my bag weighs a tone cuz it packed with books five hundred comes my keys which look like a Christmas tree with all they key rings, and this laptop....
Oh and its really really windy and like raining as well.
what more to say, oh yeah even if where to get home? I have no food!!!
Looks like my goals of becoming a size zero are about to be met.
Until next time, wish me luck.....
XOXO Rich Hippie

1 comment:

  1. You poor baby! dont worry it will totally get better and when it does buy yourself a new pair of shoes!!! Seriously you deserve it.

    School totally sucks
