Tuesday 14 October 2008

Your probably standing around and waiting.......

I cant say anything other than.....I AM SUPER SORRY.
My absenteeism has been a disgrace! I've just been super busy settling down to the whole uni scene. All i can say is that i NOW truly, understand how Lindsay Lohan feels in rehab!!! My wardrobe is an insult to my baby garments and to selectively have to pick what deserves to be displayed and what must be tossed under my bed is a freaking crime of fashion!!
But until next time when ill will post a much more intresting post, probably pics of my depressing, room until i actually have the energy to go get a new camera and tripod.....
......until next time, you better love me
XOXO Rich Hippie

ps...am i the only one that thinks Alexander Mccqueen Fucking ripped/stole Balenciaga's Trademark Look???
Crime of fucking fashion!


  1. OMG! I will be needing those killer stilettos.

    May I say I totally love your banner? Amazing blog!

    Let's keep in touch. :D

  2. I was wondering were you've been.
    the shoes are to die for.

  3. santa could you mail those killer-fab heels to my address :)

    love the whole street post--inspirational.

    take it easy with the uni change!!! :)

    have a fab weekend!!!
