Saturday 1 November 2008

Icon of the moment...

Okay so Jared was Out the window, although thanks for the 3 comments that did make its way through....
I just figured This guy has that kind of sense of style that you wouldn't bother tweaking, it's just perfect.
So Brandon, although you haven't released a F-ing album since god knows when (don't pull a Guns n Roses on us) I still love yeah style so here we go, be Inspired Boys and Girls!
P.s, who's my future Husband Brandon Or Jared?


  1. the first 4 looks are looks i can see my boyfriend in...SEXY! ...

    I dont like men wearing sandals and flipflops. thats creepy.

  2. Your future husband for sure!

  3. you made my day. Thank you!

  4. I agree with myriam:You'd make the perfect couple

  5. thanks for the post the pic are perfection. Has to be your future husband!

    nice little blog you have here.

  6. Holy shit...
    I love you even more now... you just had to post about my future husband ;) love love love you... and Brandon too..

    Shit he rocks.. i went to his concert at the start of the year.... PURE AWESOMENESS!!

    love Brandon and YOU!!!
