Monday 26 January 2009

God, im exhausted and i haven't really been doing anything today.
A lot of work lays ahead and I cant comprehend the many taughts and issue spinning around in my head....
Would you believe that retail therapy dosent even work on me anymore...
Got a new dress!! But nowhere to wear to.
Alright got to quite the crap and get back to work.
Oh and how amazing those Topshops S/S 09 look!! I wont post any pics from the lookbook since i figured every other fashion blog out their already has and you guys might not be able to take yet another post informing you about something you already know.
I will however share with you my crave for the acid stained jeans decorated in gold studs (and for those that have read my blog for a while now, understand my obsession with everything Gold Studded). God I wear so much TOPSHOP stuff i might as well advertise for them (dress from Zara, love the balmain feel)


  1. oh thats just so exactly how i feel like -.-

  2. Woooow what a cool dress!!

    The winner on Friday :)

  3. ooooooh weeee loving the dress.
    I wish we had Topshop out here!

  4. Oh man that dress is love. So cute.

  5. :)
    I like Rich Hippie.
    cute dress!

  6. i love rich hippies

    particularly you

  7. I love the dress especially in red. Your shoes are magnificent =]

  8. ooh that dresss, love it. I saw it at the zara, I really wanted it to.
    Looks great on you!

  9. There's an award for you in my blog!

  10. You always have amazing photos, and style! Which is why I've awarded you my love :]

