Wednesday 25 February 2009

Okay so haven't made a post relating to any current trend for ages, but I've decided to make one now!

Sci-fi Grunge is very much like NEOGRUNGE but it's not really focused on the element of colour but more on the attitude derived from a colour pallet you wouldn't normally relate to such a character. SCI-FI being pretty much a non predictable topic fits perfectly to the this look as it grunge, but with less grease, black and knitwear.It's the love of the music and attitude towards "stuff" mixed up in a unicorn fantasy. Think Kurt Cobain meats.....Sailor Moon? (god that sounded awful, but man im a big anime fan and my first doll was a sailor moon one,how cool was that!)
And pleas dont abandon the music and start listening to that weird rock remixes.....

Keep your staples, just go out and purchase anything that reminds you of Alexander Wang's Spring Summer Collection (THINK NEON!)

Tried on an interesting tank top today...must say i loved the colour but it was a little to intimidating to look at after a while. I would however have bought it if they had it in the style of a bandage skirt.


  1. i m really in love with those pink boots;)
    i just found your blog and i love it!

  2. lol i'm a big anime fan too. Salior moon was the very first anime i ever watch and i'm still in love with it.

    p.s stay amazing

  3. you have to tell me were the skirts and the hat are from i just feel in love with them ;)

  4. Arent those DOcs the best thing EVER!!!!!

  5. i love the pink docs.
    the clothes are so pretty.
