Monday 23 February 2009


I mean come one!!! I know longer feel unique, first my Hippie grunge look get multiplied to an obnoxious Rachel Zoe Bug eyed glasses trend. But my brilliant idea for summer is has already taken by the brilliant minds at Topshop. Their 09 A/W is amazing and the HEELS! OMFG.
Daily OutFit post is going to be skipped today, mostly because Kristina here can illustrate what im wearing much better than me, so ill save mine for a later post.
Alright see you guys later, as i must return to my cozy bed and indulge in Kurt Cobain Journals

ill make a proper trend post on this later!


  1. Love love love the sckull tees

  2. hola, soy nueva en esto, me encanta tu blog me aprece muy original
    un beso

  3. I think it's a great look for you!

    I don't think you speak Spanish, the comment above says (remember I'm a translator): Hi! I'm a new blogger, I love your blog, I think it's very original, xoxo, Paola.
