Wednesday 25 March 2009

You can look Balmazing....But It Will Cost You

Soo havent made an appernce for a while, sorry about that. Ive just been working with a million projects at the same time, desperate to stud shred and black items of clothing I've been caught up with revision for my may exams. Yes, i that's like two months away, but believe me theirs allot to cover in such a short time. What helps me blow of steam is reading all your blogs and the sweet comments left on mine. I have however promised to post a series of outfits in the up and coming week when i go home (sorry sis but your going to have to bair with me). Now not to my surprise is the ever coveted Balmain collection sold out faster than a speeding bullet. I don't think i could afford the entire outfit...but i was prepared to cash out for that jacket god dammit!!


  1. loving all of Balmain...and waiting for a Zara version of the first jacket too.

  2. I want it allll!

  3. gosh im a sucker for studded clothes. That studded skirt needs a closet.

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  10. i feel the same about balmain, so sad the designers never make anything for people who arent billionaires. how much is that band/sargent pepper coat going for? x

  11. BAREEEEEEE!!!!!!!

  12. Agreed need to go to Zara!!! I can only dream. I love his collection sooo much.

    -fashion on edge.

  13. love every single pce of this!!!!!!

  14. i cannot explain how much i am in love with balmain

  15. Great choices to want, I love studs too even though people tell me to lay off them.

    I actually saw a vest that looks inspired by that Balmain jacket at Target. Of course it has no sleeves but the cut of the collar and the embellished buttons look similar.

    It was a part of Target's GO designer line. I think it was around $30. Do they have Target stores where you are?
