Friday 24 April 2009

SWEET, ive got 40 interesting groupies following my blog, im so honored!!!
Anywho, its been sunny and hot as hell, i dont know how im capable of staying in to studying in the afternoons and how i seem to still be studying in the evening when my cute friends get dolled up to go out......i seriously must be A FUCKING LOSER.
But, my rewards for studying so hard is to SHOP! and I'de chose this over going out with my friends anytime ahaha.
One of my purchases is this tie-dye eagle to, WHICH I LOVE. The art work and the earthy feel was just what i was looking for.
Ive made other purchases which ill share with you at a later date when i get a proper pic of them, but until then

You Better love me
XOXO Rich Hippie
p.s Ocular Oasis had me answer some questions a while back, which you can see the answers to at, when i went over my answers i just realized im a weird person...


  1. Hmm..self admitted wierdo. Now I def have to read this interview. I see you have a thing for wolves and eagles.

    Wishing you a nice weekend full of shopping.

  2. i like these pictures very muchly, basically i'm just a fan of your blog/style overall. I totally wish we had topshop here..

    new posts you might like at


  3. Love that top!!

  4. omg- i ADORE this shirt!! your attitude is great! i love your looks

  5. i absolutely LOVE your blog! :D
    the shirt in this post is great and i love, love your office shoes. totally fierce!

    and jimi! looks like balmain definitely took a page from him. one of the blazer's in his spring collection looks IDENTICAl to the one hendrix is wearing here. gotta respect the greats!

    keep all these amazing posts coming!
    [and i hope you don't mind that i linked your blog to my page!]

    best! :D
