Tuesday 5 May 2009

Hmm horrible weekend would be an understaitment but horrible indeed, other than that i got my hair cut, not really loving it since i feel a little to lady gaga and believe me if that becomes my new nic-name im going to strangle myself. So i guess i like it a little bit, its just a bit to clean for my messy unkept, havent-sowered-in-3-weeks-personality...
Blazer - that my dad baught me
Top -Topshop
Jeans - Zara (there far to tight people think there leggins)
Bracelet(if you could call it that) - Rags and freaks
Bag - Cheeky Budha
oh...ive lost my bowler hat im utterly depressed now...


  1. Your hair looks good and the style very becoming on you.

  2. I quite like the hair (y)

  3. thank you for the beautiful comments my dear.. cant explain how happy i were to read them.. i am defentely going to read about john locke and his theories ..
    i love your hair.. lady you've grown so much, i can't wait to see you. i miss you and even though we haven't spoke on the phone or seen each other for a very long time, i still can feel your presence. it feels like we met yesterday..
    miss you lady

  4. your hair looks hot and im loving the colour of your jeans. there's no such thing as jeans that are too tight!

    - frouu/ nadia

  5. Wow, gorgeous outfit!
    Very classy. And the bangs are amazing!
