Thursday 21 May 2009

Sorry but I'm just going to lay it all on you guys, haven't been updating my blog cuz I'm just in this haze of exam and allot of revision, im not going to lie though....I do still make time for Topshop (The Kate moss collection was SHIT). So im sorry if you guys kinda turn up hoping to see something...and see nothing at all.
My weekend was great, things seems to be looking up which means bad lucks just around the corner, but its okay i kind of like it, helps me appreciate these times much more.

Anywho enough of my bullshit, my sisters been nagging me to remove that creepy pic of myself from the last post. I agree i look like a deer in the headlights!!! She also claims that no mater where you turn its like my eyes follow you...creepy right, try it out im like the Mona Lisa
If you've noticed...(or what am i saying you guys hardly see me) the return of Rich Hippie has arrived. Im oh so glad to see her but i still kind of miss Grunge Hippie...
Playsuite - Topshop
Tights - Topshop
Wedges - oh office!
Sunnies - Vintage Ralph Lauren
Denim vest - Zara
Flower Ring - Topshop (Arggh stop shopping there already)


  1. Topshop is fun. I took a friend there yesterday. Got myself some new awesome things. But no bags though.
