Sunday 24 May 2009

wow im soon no longer a sophomore......

Everytime I go out into the world...and meet people I'll never see again....I cant help but ask....has the love of my life just passed by?


  1. beautiful pictures........good good vibes!

  2. maybe you haven't met the love of your life yet?? thats what i keep telling myself, but i'm still so young!

    i love your blog, it's oozing with inspiration my rich hippie :) xooxxo

  3. haha i say that to my firends all the time .
    like i feel that i could've missed out on a few good times with the loves of my life

  4. Dig these pics. Wow, I've recently been thinking the same thoughts. It's sad in a way, but I guess what's meant to be will be.

    xo, Becs

  5. Pictures go really well with what you're trying to say. I used to wonder if the people I briefly meet and never make more effort to know could potentially be my new best friends, and I wonder why I never try to change that.

  6. gosh i love sophomore, they have the best photo shoots. congrats on on longer being a sophmore!


  7. Congrats on no longer being a sophomore. Im no longer a scares me to think that that means that im a SENIOR. Ugh.
    But if you passed by the love of your life, they wil come back around. If they dont, then they arent the love of your life, right?
