Monday 8 June 2009

Mental Madness

Aw man im feeling a whole lot better about my self and life. For the past three days I've locked my self up in a therapeutic 90's trip with my iPod and wow, i cannot believe how amazing times used to be. I now live in bubble with a soundtrack consisting of Pearl Jam and earlie Our Lady Peace, movie Hot list consisting of Clueless, Basket ball Diaries and My So called life.... and of course I've practically been living in my ultra soft Denim shirt for the past 2 weeks!

Shirt - Zara
Bowler Hat (found it) - H&M
Crooped lace top - Topshop
Leggings - Topshop
Wedges - Office
Braided bracelet - H&M men
Studded Bracelet - Ragfreaks

Okay before i leave heres my Top Ten songs for this week
1.Pearl jam: Dissedent, 2.Our Lady Peace: Automatic Flowers, 3.No Doubt: Artificial Sweetner, 4.Hole: Violet, 5.Nirvana: Serve the Servent, 6.Metallica: Whisky in a Jar, 7.Soundgarden: Fell on Black days, 8. Silverchair: Tommorrow......... alright i guess it was a top 8
Oh yeah Hippie Hippie Milk Shake, my other half, was the only one that figured out which outfit was my fave(NO.2).
Common you guys i taught you knew me!!!


  1. Those shoes are amazing! x

  2. ~i love the outfits you put together~

  3. you have such a great taste in music!

  4. I loved Pearl Jam-all their songs but my favorite is Black, Rear view mirror and Better Man.

  5. i love your blog.. i found out about it last week.. love love love!


  6. pearl jam, nirvana, no doubt, soundgarden, denim, leather, belly tees, thick heels, junky and grungy ...
    oh yea, the 90's were the best in every way.

    great outfit, love the shoes!

  7. Love your outfit, esp. the Topshop lace cropped top. It looks fab. And I love the 90's.. not so much when I was actually living through it, but looking back, I now dig the style so much more.

    xo, Becs

  8. those songs are all good. great picks. alos lovin your little lace crop top! sweeeeet

