Tuesday 16 June 2009

Wealth does not equal Taste.....

I’m well aware that I’ll get allot of shit for this post and that most of you will probably not put up with my straight forward(mean) attitude towards everything.

But here’s the thing, I never sugar coat things and am not a believer of “If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all....” cuz guess what, selling a false image of yourself is not a the way to live life and letting certain people believe or feel certain things about themselves is just as bad as any act of betrayal.

I was going to post pics and drop like a bombshell of blogs and people I felt help prove my point, but I figured that doesn’t only make me honest but mean as well, which I don’t mind i just have enough enemies as it is at the moment sooooo...maybe next time.

Outfit Update will be posted shortly...


  1. that's excatly what I was thinking...

  2. Hmmm....and you're planning to blow the world up too?

  3. So what was the point of this post? Are you going to give "examples" or just pretend like you were going to? Not giving you shit, asking an honest question.

  4. Yea... I don't understand the point of this post if you are not going to example or mention the people you think are selling false image. Like you said you don't sugar coat things and you don't mind if people think you are mean. Right now you are a believer of "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all..." because if you weren't you would have said something by now because this post was really pointless.

    Just saying...

  5. I want those tiiiights !

  6. I thoroughly agree with this post.
