Wednesday 10 June 2009

Wow im kinda tired so i wont have much to say...although usually when i start a post like this i tend to ramble on forever.
The stressful tension in my life has finally left and been replaced by anxiety...yippi.
Sat up last night till about 04:00 watching live acts of Pearl Jam. This is seriously a band I have to see live before i die, which could be any moment from now so i better get to it!
Oh and Hippie May is such a fame whore, wont ever leave me alone. Ive lost all respect for her after she killed her babies...

Flannel shirt - Marine something
Top - H&M
Jodhpurs - Topshop
Doc Martens

Oh and yeah i really hate my hair right now, i feel that its getting in the way of my looks, it makes it so hared to look all dirty when your hair seems to clean!!
I mean every time i look in the mirror i feel the need to put a big fat bow on my head and wear a big frilly Baby Doll Lolita dress....My sisters been calling me Harajuku Girl all day!!
For a long time I've been eager to try the look out...I might just look around next time im out shopping for a dress as its been a dream since the day i discovered Sailor Moon to move to Harajuku for 6months and read manga while exploring the style.....I even learnt Japanese for it.
Do click Here for a short interview that I had.


  1. Harajuku is the shit. I love those girls. I totally love to try that too but I can't seem to find anything I really like.

  2. love your blog! you have great style!

  3. love your docs! they're coming back in a big way by the looks of it


  4. I'm all in for that dirty careless don't get in my way i'm just me fuck the world sorry too bad grung flanel comfy sit on the asfalt and talk crap look. then again it might just be my mood...

  5. harajuku is the most fun looking place ever. end of the phase.

    oh i love the grungy colours of this outfit. cool.

    also, i'm so gonna quote your interview everywhere.
    "I don’t like trends, being trendy is character suicide." genius. you rock.

  6. Awh thanks for your comment! Haha, I was having such a rant about the BNP that day, I was literally livid after reading some of the stuff on their site!
    ps, I'm also loving your shirt in this!


  7. ...stopping by, to say hi!

  8. Ahh, nah i'm not opening an online store. I
    I just wanted someone from the states to order me in a pair of shoes that im desperate for then send them over.
    The only site that stocks them doesn't ship to the UK ya see. It's such a pain!

    & the bag was from ebay it was roughly £150...that's basically the last of my student loan gone :(
