Monday 18 April 2011

She started it...

Practically looking good, that what Kate moss went for, lets not lose sight of that
I dont know, I told myself that I would stop venting about things on my mind on this blog BUT screw it!!! This is my personal space and I don't really care what most bloggs are going on about but I just had to say something.
Usually around this time I'd make a post about "Festival fashion" but after being to one myself I realized that most get ups are practically insane and most often a health risk for anyone who's actually intention was to spend time in the sun listing to music with like minded enthusiast.
Like dont get me started on the numerous earrings that are pretty cool and carefree when dangling from your ear. But, when in a crowed grooving along with a performance you do not want that feather or dream-catcher getting caught in another festival goers hair...cuz that would be uggghh, well you know what I mean.
AND you dont want to walk around in espradels or wedges of any kind, cuz serieouslly, the ground is uneven and often decorated by empty bottles and passed out partygoers so your graceful walk will quickly turn into, bambi on ice.
Also dont pack an outfit that cost you just as much as a ticket to the actual festival....its going to get dirty, you will sweat, people dont care what you look like (the industry and whoever is sponsoring you does) and you will most likely ruin it one way or another if you actually intend on being at a festival.
I've been reading so many editorials and seen so many photos of people at festivals promoting their "fashion", completely missing the point.
This is just an artificial extension that the fashion industry has created in order to extend the trends sold during the summer season into the sale of festival wear.
ITS A FESTIVAL, your ment to have beer pored on you, run throught the open showers on the feild, crowed surf, headbang if your into my kinda music and pretty much be carefree.
Your not ment to make sure your oversized hat is in place, your maxi dress isnt getting trampled by bypasers or catching dirt as it follows you like a train, worry about your perfectly wavy hair, making sure your jewellery dont get lost, dropped or stolen, and keep cheaking back into your tent(if your not one of those that seriously booked into an actuall hotel) to make sure all your valuable possesions havent been stolen....yet.
A trend inspired by does who attended Woodstock and the anti materialistic group we call HIPPIES, this whole thing is kind (curse word) up if you asked me. People where playing in the mud and practically naked, those that looked good still didnt mind getting grass stains on there denim jeans and pretty sure most of those guys where barefot!!!
Pleas take my advice, if you plan on attending a festival this summer, pleas pack lightly and pratically, buy all your stuff second hand as you may end up ruining it and you dont want that money going to waste......and most importantly go see the band you payed so much to see, dont worry about people knowing who your wearing cuz the whole point of this is to listen and chat about music and pretty much having a crazy time......This isnt another excuse for a fashion Week(end). You can look good without trying so hard, and if you still cant manage to pull together an outfit...who cares, you didnt get dressed to walk down a runway and if you did put the least bit of effort into your still missed the point about festival apparel!
...........I dont know for me festival fashion is as stupid as waterproff mascara.


  1. Hehe brilliant post. I have to say, I do enjoy my festival outfits but they're no different to my usual stuff - the fun is taken out of it if you have to think too much about it rather than throw your fun stuff on. I went to a festival once with someone who was horrified at the idea that people actually SAT on the ground. WHY ARE YOU HERE THEN?? Needless to say I didn't enjoy that day!

    Seen the pics of Vanessa Hudgens at Coachella? I actually like her hippy clothes - but not on her, very contrived and costume like on her non?

    Ps. the feathers are live, check it out xx

  2. this is so relevant, I completely agree. I find it so hilarious when I see Isabel Lucas and people who have carefully place daisy-chains in their hair and maxi dresses on fashion blogs relating to coachella. I don't know about them, but when I was at Big Day Out (Australia's equivalent of a national music festival) I ended up being covered in other people's sweat and wearing half the amount I was wearing when I arrived.

    There are two kinds of people at the events, the people there for the music, and the people there for the photographers. The people who are there for the music, go and get dirty, and the people who are there for the photographers just hang near the food stands.

  3. Seriously! its one thing to have fun with that crazy cape you found at goodwill (and expect it to be lovingly in pieces by the end of the festival) its another to actually purchase "festival fashions" brand new.
