Monday 30 May 2011

I cant tell you I love you cuz then id never leave

and if i told i love you, id have to stay....either way id know i would have made a big mistake.
I think it would be easier if I knew this guy I "like like" didnt like me back. Then I think leaving Brighton for Stockholm this fall would be easier. However its killing me, this not saying anything because it simply dosent seem fair to either sides. But then saying something and leaving that person dosent seem fair to him either.
It's situations like this that makes life so fucking pointless!!!!!
bla bla bla emo rant blaaaahhhh.
I was listning to this song before I decided to make up a dumb excuse to see him today

wearing: secondhand dress


  1. if you're wearing colors that means you really are in love!!...x

  2. Loving the dress (:

    xoxo, CĂ©line

  3. fab! I'm so jealous of your Rucksack, i'm looking for one everywhere
