Sunday 22 May 2011

make up....for lost time

Wearing nothing but....
my new cherry black lipstick(that smells amazing i find myself licking it off) Ralph Lauren Shirt dress(AMAZING find after wanting to get this for ages) Dr Martens and Topshop Backpack...oh and my new hanging GOLD(OMG ive got gold jewelry hahahaha) cross from TOPMAN

sorry for not being the best blogger, but seeing as this isnt what I live on focusing on exams and actually graduating, finding a job, remembering to do things i promised people id get done so sorry but ill find a way to make up for lost time
(and OMG do any of you guys Supernatural? what da piiping fuck is going on :D, and yeah cried my eyes out on smallvilles season final, not because it was good because the final was absolute crap and it felt like they spit the fans in the eye....but because I love smallville and was so sad to see it end :(....felt abit pathetic since im not a cryer hahaha)


  1. Amazing!


  2. Like itt and follwer!! xxx

  3. I love supernatural,Nice shoes. If you want you can follow me on twitter queenie amani. I also love fashion n I shoes the glamour way of Life X
