Monday 22 August 2011

I miss world.....

this gif drove me and my little sister crazy
(first moving that darn record 31 steps having to edit, copy then past AND then save it each and every freaking time, then look everywhere for a gif maker that will take over 10 images.....THEN! after finding one... realize that it scrabbled the order up and further strain our eyes was required to measure and watch that boy/girl tilt his head accordingly while holding that stupid crown)
sitting up till almost 3am with our eyes all bloodshot and stuff. hoping to get this over with so that we could proceed to watching Dylan McKay's father getting blown up in a car(obs spoiler alert) and watch Dylan fall to his knees on the parking lot covered in rain..and eventually Dylan's father
You better like it...we put our heart and soul into it...

1 comment:

  1. Please follow my hemp jewelry blog at
