Monday 5 September 2011

last days of Summer

...but I love you more when you're dead
- Billie Jean
I love autumn and I have yet to make the perfect post or montage to resemble that love.
For me autumn used to be all about going back to school and regaining that suicidal urge. Not regretting, not, wearing a bikini just once
Listening to Death Cab for Cutie's Plans album on repeat because its so totally my soundtrack... every single fall.
Sunny mornings and soggy green grass making your converse(don't really wear mine anymore) freezing wet.
Crunchy leaves beneath your feet.
How I love to pick crunchy leaves.....
How I always decide that this fall I will feel this thing called love for someone else
How I always know it will never happen just because I say so....
How grunge apparel suddenly makes sense in fashion
...and how id rather spend time outside...then my wasted summer indoors with the blinds mostly shut and me mopping about how I've been mopping for the past 21 years and how it isn't cut to be all angsty and at my age and that I'm probably depressed....
and finally how online shopping just always seem to do the trick... nice to me this fall and ill promise to be more mature about people(who are stupid)

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