Wednesday 19 October 2011

....feeling bit down, considering pulling a knigttcat and never coming back...but ill try to come to my senses..just not today

PS. thanks Olivia, ill try not to be so melodramatic...if its not much..could you ask Ryan(gosling) to call me back...he hasn't returned any of my threats...i mean texts

1 comment:

  1. Aw dont! Ive loved your blog for a year and a half now i think? I've hated seeing you so down these last few weeks, all will be better soon just remember you've got many loyal followers who only want the best for you :) Ignore any grief you get about not blogging enough or a certain way as at the end of the day you've set this blog up to be a fun thing for you so just take a break if need be! Hope your enjoying Sweden! :D:D Met some guys from Stockholm the other day and they were pretty hot ;)
