Thursday 5 April 2012

murder suicide

.....god if you dare get my heart broken..ill never be able to forgive you
Wearing: vintage floral dress worn as skirt, vintage stripped knitted angora top and buffalo tower know your typical 90's stuff

Ive been a bad blogger I know, I havent uploaded my latest zine i know(but will), I havent finished my thesis I KNOW!!!(but will....). Right now im the closest thing to love struck and literately havent been able to eat sleep think or see properly (seriously taught i was going to pass out when i went into town today, my body was so weak). I've actually never been like into a guy this bad before...going through some serious jordan cathalano vibes where its all

Rayanne: I think part of him is partly interested in you. Definitely.
I mean, he's got other things on his mind.
Angela: But that's the part that's so unfair. I have nothing else on my mind.
How come I have to be the one sitting around analyzing him in like microscopic
detail, and he gets to be the one with other things on his mind.....

I do this ALL THE TIME and its given me a migraine!

So everyone hold hands and chant for me so i dont get my heart broken cuz we all know how i DONT deal with anything well and go more into self destruct mode.


  1. Thank you!!
    I just LOVE your platform shoes. Ih!!!

  2. Nice post good luck with your thesis btw ;)

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