Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Best friends

Is the only nemeses to watch out for. Unif recently shared there lookbook for I don't know season which was obvisoully inspired by the 1992 movie "Poison Ivy". It looked great, actually awesome, but i still hated it. Because it reminded me of girl that spend way to long doing there hair and make up in the fashion of Im-baddas-and-cant-be-bothered-by-looks-even-though-i-know-i look-hot-and-guys-are-totally-going-to-want-me-especially-that-one-guy-that-place-base-in-this-underground-band look..... ooh how bitterness oozes out of my heart like black matter....


  1. hhah lol, that movie is as old as i am... but i love the setting, and drew is so incredibly hot. though i know what you're talking about, it doesn't seem that geniune when fashion brands today try to copy the look.
    (ps, have GOT to get me a yinyang-shirt like in the first pic... awesome)
