Tuesday 30 June 2009

Elevator Fight

So I checked out one of my commentors Loraine's blog out and got to know that Zoe Kravitz got her own band called Elevator Fight. In my mind it seamed like the perfect match, what with her dad being my generations Hendrix.
BUT OH MY GOD, the bands shit. You barely hear, her lack there of vocals and I guess the bands more of an image thing rather then it is of an expression of creative art.
So far the only unexpected talent I love Is Gossip Girl Star Taylor Momsens band Pretty reckless. The name is amazing as well as her talent simply blows me away. I just wish she'd stop trying so hard to grow so fast...


  1. they're bad?! really? i must have a listen now...haha!

  2. that sucks..id hope she would be better than that
    she always looks like shes got it together..guess not

    check out my blog @

  3. agreed...not that good.

    but with so many people so completely consumed with celebrities, they'll do well.

    sad, really.

  4. My hair is just like Zoe's right now ^-^

    and yeah, agree with the Taylor concept. She's only 16 i think. Maybe being in a show kind of makes you feel like your older, then you dress that way. For example; Miley Cyrus >_>

    But I haven't heard Pretty Reckless songs yet...

  5. i thought she was her mother!

  6. Dude, she's in her 20's! Her band is bomb!
    Check her out on youtube if u havent. My fave song is broken glass.

  7. Please, can you PM me and tell me few more thinks about this, I am really fan of your blog...
