Wednesday 1 July 2009

What did you Honestly wear today?

God, sorry but I had to stand in the shade for these pics. You might not be able to see this but my palms just turned soaking wet as soon as i stepped outside. The weathers been real annoying towards my hair which would simply frizz its natural curls and it would feel all sticky and dirty. I've got loads of comments most referring to how my style changes allot. From what my friends says it means Im transcending from my old faze into a new one which I so dont want to happen. The looks you see now dosent particularly mean the look ill move towards but it means Im so bored with looking predictable that I tend to look unpredictable. I love grunge hippie, and okay I've been more Grunge Candy lately but something tells me the grunge is about to be dropped, the hippie has already.....
The only Thing that seems to stick the same is the music on my iPod and my political views
God you'd think at nineteen one would have figured themselves out already....
Wearing TOPSHOP (the one thing that stays the same)


  1. that last skirt is too cute.

  2. the top is great.. you did a good job of showing its versatility
    loving the skirts..especially the graphic print skirt
    also loving that belt you apired with the purple bubble skirt
    fun post

    check out my blog @

  3. @19 having it all figured out?? I think not. I was out today shopping and came across a lace top and thought about you. No lie, this is what blogging does I guess. I love the different skirts with your lace top esp the blue bubble skirt with stud detail.


  4. I really love your hair...
    it looks amazing on you, you should do a post about it <3

    greating from germany

  5. Love the combination of the lace shirt and the belt with studs and that gorgeous purplee!! lace is starting to really grow on me :)

  6. jag har samma problem med mina händer (och fötter), jobbigt om man möter nån man måste skaka hand med :S

    jag har förresten oxå den där lila kjolen, fast en svart :)
    den är jävligt skön :)

  7. Oh that skirt again :)) i so love it ! The abstract one. Did u buy it at the store or purchase online ?

  8. love the first outfit, the lace body and the blue skirt with the studded belt is smashing togheter

  9. Love all the skirts, I think they look better on you than on the manequins

  10. love the last skirt! it has an ethnic touch to it!

  11. oh my god girl, where on earth did you get that blue skirt? I need it on my body NOW!
