Thursday 18 June 2009

To See or not to See, that is my dilema...

So my Birthday's coming up...who knew I'd survive another year, so far this years been great so i guess ill hold on and make it to 19. I'm just stuck with whether or not I should get a new guitar or tickets to see Pearl Jam this fall. I don't want to go see them alone and lets face none of my friends are that into(let alone herd of) the band and those willing aren't to willing to fork up £156 for the ticket...
UGH! I really want to go see them and the last time they toured the UK was like 2003...
But i really need a new guitar, the neck on my old once fucked and well i simply want a new one
So? what do you guys think?
P.S Anonymous....I never use this word, but I think I love you
Good Night!


  1. You will choose whatever works for you. I would get the guitar unless...the concert included Backstage pass with the band :P

    As far as different taste, I believe that beauty can be seen and appreciated in anything without it having to be neccessarily your taste. So that leaving a comment for someone isn't so much about taste all the time but support, a way of reaching out to your fellow man. Of course not everyone is like that, some come, look and bounce. lol

    Who doesn't like commentors?

  2. oh shit, I just read annonymouS comment and I heart them...that was really cool.

  3. Awww... I knew you weren't just made of stones.

    Until then.... GOODNIGHT!

  4. jag har aldrig sett Pearl Jam, men jag kan tänka mig att det kan vara en once in a lifetime experience.
    jag skulle gått på konserten, fast som du säger, det är inte kul att gå ensam... svårt val det dära...

  5. oh man. concerts are a once in a lifetime experience. if i were you, i'd go for the pearl jam concert man!

  6. i love the pictures alot!
    check out my blog:
