Thursday 18 June 2009

Where going on a road trip

So for ages I've dreamt of packing up my bags hire a van with my friend and kidnap a few friends to go on a road trip one summer. It would either be one here in Europe or an American one.

We would set up camp and go clubbing in various towns/states later heading back to our....tents in the woods?

I vote America, I've got the accsent down and I mean after seeing Hostel, European Psycho's are more sadistic. I'd prefer a swift chainsaw across my
The problem was they'd always say
-"Your closet would seriouslly require a jumbo jet to follow us around"
.....No, it would proabably require a truck
"...and you'll probably sneak of with the car and go shopping wherever we go....."
Not really.....They've only got like one Topshop in the states.
So today i decided that id try to pack a bag of what should last me a 2months, it had to be versatile, easy to wash and not require any ironing....
So here's what i got
Although i must admit to maybe, showing a diet version, Id probably bring my vlack wetlock leggings, wellingstons,navy green parker, two flannel shirts a maxi dress and an oversized knitted jumper.....Okay my friends proved there point.
Im going to have to work on it...


  1. These pictures are gorgeous. I love the way you combine patterns and colors.

    x M

  2. nice skirt cool prints

  3. I love your blog, but I've been noticing you've been wearing the same clothes over and over - especially thoses wedges and Doc Martins... Get more shoes! : )

  4. The reason why she wears the same clothes and shoes over and over is because she is "real" not "fake" like Sea of shoes or so she says. But hey! What's wrong with wearing the same items over and over if you feel good about what you have on your body?

  5. Topshop is awesome. It kind of sucks that we here in the states only have one. But I would be one crazy bitch if I didn't admit that I kind of feel special leaving in the only state that has one.

  6. I agree with Anon up there. This is a real girl and not someone with a closet filled with 40,000 USD worth of shoes. I'd rather see her mix and match what she has and stay true to herself than be some poster child for envy and self - loathing.

  7. I've always wanted to drive cross country in America but I have a small problem...I don't know how to drive! But a girl can dream, right?

  8. These outfits are gorgeous! I especially love the lace top and printed topshop skirt!
    I'd love you to check out my blog.

  9. you vagabond child you! Love these outfits and have a good time on the road!

  10. love your outfits
    keep up the good inspiration
    yea..go for the road trip..its relaxing

    i love your blog

    check out my blog @

  11. I love Rich Hippie style, and like her I mixed and match what I have because I can't just shop whenever I want. However, at the same time I do not think that Sea of Shoes is fake because she the lifestyle that gives her the opportunity to shop as miuch as she wants and not have to wear the same items over and over. Nothing is wrong with that, and it does not mean she isn't staying true to herself. It is just that her lifestyle is different from the average American. If I were rich, I would probably do what Sea of Shoes would do. You cannot call someone a fake unless you really know them in order to make that kind of judgement.

    It is always great to see how a person that doesn't have much money is able to mixed and match their clothes while looking great as well and being creative. At the same time, it is great to see someone like Sea of Shoes wearing designers clothing and adding some DIY items that her mother makes for her to wear but at the same time looking real and unique. Also, I don't think she does it for shock factor at all and that is not the vibe I get when going to her blog. Just because she stands out doesn't mean she is simply looking for attention. She stands out because she wears the clothes... it doesn't wear her and seriously, how many girls are there that looks like Sea of Shoes? Not many and that is what makes her stand out.

  12. i've always wanted to go on a roadtrip and head up to the Bonnaroo music festival with my girls and party at every state on the way and set up tents instead of sleeping at motels. it would be such an adventure.

    i would need a huge truck for all my clothes though. haha.

    ps. love your lace top!

  13. Now I understand the title... XD

  14. love your leggings!so cooool!; )

  15. I really like the way the mix exquisite cropped top/short denim shorts "with exposed pocket effect" perfectly sublimates your "Ebony micro pin up" side !!!

    à Bientôt, Antoine

  16. Ahh totally lovin' the bottom left look! I especially love the leggingsssss :)

  17. The last ouftif looks great, a bit ROCK

  18. whatever you do then take me with if there's room in your little van anymore!

    this is my dream. for it i'd need hell of an amount of time to learn to combine my shit together. i like lazy and cool look but i mostly just pull off the lazy one.

    you look amazing, the lace top and patterns and everything

  19. i like the outfits alot and you definitely have a great sense of style
    check out my blog:

  20. you have such an amazing style i really like it , love your blog to :)

  21. wow. you're really good at mixing stuff together! i'm having a ball looking at your photos!
