funny how one can end up looking like a punk with items baught at the most obnoxiouslly trendy store ever, but i cant help it......(tops shredded and spiked by me)
so last Friday Pearl Jam was amazing!!!!
Like heaven had fallen to our plane of existence and granted use two and a half hours of pure uncondenced angelic music. I could go on about that night for ages so im going to keep this short and say it was the best time of my life (next will be when i marry Jared Leto...) and oh!!! I also caught the drummers drumstick from the HIVES!!!
okay so thanks for all the birthday wishes, no i didnt bake a cake like that as i have a tradition of baking my own chocolate and vanilla cake with strawberry and almonds decorated all over....yum!!!!!
So my mess of a hair is driving me crazy and i constantly avoid my reflection. IM THE MOST INPATIENT person you'll ever meet and growing out my hair is a pain. Im trying to avoid heat on my hair this entire summer....hahaha wish me luck on getting back my locks!!!!
NOW back to writting my graphic novel.